Development Economics
Course Name:
Development Economics (SM410M)
Credits (L-T-P):
Introduction, distinction between Growth and Development Studies, Concept of Development, Evolution of Measures of Economic Development, Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI), Various Dimensions of Human Development, Gender Development Index, Gender Inequality Index and Multi-dimensional Poverty Index. Adam Smith’s Theory, Ricardian Theory, Malthusian Theory, Mill’s Theory, Marxian Theory, Schumpeterian Theory, Keynesian Theory, Rostow’s Stages of Growth, Harrod-Domar Model, the Solow model and its variants, endogenous growth models. East Asian Miracle, East Asian Crisis, Latin American Economic Development, Indian Economic Performance and Reforms, China’s Economic Development and Reforms and Africa’s Development
Experience. The Concept and Measurement of Poverty, Nature and levels of Poverty in Developing countries, Economic Inequality, Criteria of Inequality Measurement, The Lorenze Curve, Functional Distribution, Economic Growth and Income Distribution: The Kuznets Hypothesis. Human Capital Formation and Economic Development: Composition of Human Investment, problems of Human Capital Formation. Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: Qualities of Entrepreneurs, Role of Entrepreneur, Obstacles in the Growth of Entrepreneurship, Measures to Encourage Entrepreneurship. Technology and Economic Development: Role of Technology in Economic Development, Process of Technological Change, Suitability of Foreign Techniques.