Literary Theory
Course Name:
Literary Theory (SM 918)
Credits (L-T-P):
(3-1-0) 4
The nature of literary evaluation and critical discussion. The place of universal criteria in literary criticism. Is iterary experience autonomous? The relation between literary value and (a) social reality: the problem of Commitment, Black literature, Dalit literature, etc., (b) psychological reality, the problem of the unconscious (Freudian and Jungian).The theory of the forms/genres of literature. Structuralism and stylistics.
1. R. Wellek, and A. Warren, Theory of Literature, Penguin, Harmondsworth
2. W. Wimsatt and C. Brooks, Literary Criticism: A Short History, OUP & IBH, New Delhi
3. T. Engleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction, Oxford, Blackwell
4. K. Elam, Semiotics of Theatre & Drama, Methuen, N.Y.
5. T.S. Eliot, The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism, Faber, London
6. D. Lodge, (Ed.), Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Longman, London
7. D. Lodge (ed.), Modern Criticism & Theory. Longman, London
8. I.A. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London
9. M. Rader, (Ed.), A Modern Book of Aesthetics, Fourth Edition, Holt, Reinhart & Winston, New York
10. D. Craig, (Ed.), Marxists on Literature, An Anthology, Penguin,
11. Harmondsworth N. Frye, Anatomy of Criticism, Princeton University Press, N.Y.
Humanities, Social Sciences and Management