Technology Industry and Trade
Course Name:
Technology Industry and Trade (SM 912)
Credits (L-T-P):
Technology, Industry, Trade and Cycles: Technological and Non-technological theories linking industrialization with trade. The Process of Technological Innovation: Patterns and influence. Evaluating Policies for Technological
Innovation and Elements of Technology Policy. The Technological Structure and Performance of Developing Country Exports. Skills and Competitiveness in developing countries. Multinational Corporations, Technology Development and Export Competitiveness. Global Business Environment, Technology and Trade. Globalisation and Technology Intermediation. Trade Prospects with Reindustrialization and Technology Policy.
1. Dunning, John H., TheGlobalisation of Business [London: Routledge], 1993.
2. Lall, Sanjaya. Competitiveness, Technology and Skills [Cheltenham: Edward Elgar], 2001.
3. Nayyar, Deepak (Ed.). Trade and Industrialization [New Delhi: Oxford University Press], 1999.
4. Siddharthan, N. S. and Y.S. Rajan. Global Business, Technology and Knowledge Sharing: Lessons for Developing Country Enterprises [New Delhi: Macmillan], 2002.
5. Srinivasan, T. N., Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trading System: From the GATT to the Uruguay Round and the Future [New Delhi: Oxford University Press], 2000.
Humanities, Social Sciences and Management